Best Practice visit in Jönköping

9 December 2011

The overall objective of this task was to organise a “best practice” visit for target regionstakeholders to the Jönköping region in Sweden in order to stimulate and motivate participatingdelegates through the power of example whilst at the same time attempting to change the “can’t bedone at all” to “can be done, perhaps this way instead”.

The programme was designed to provide acontextual hands-on insight into projects and applications, get direct contact with those withexperience and know-how and encourage those that are already have ideas and are consideringthe feasibility of these in their own regions.

A total of 17 stakeholders along with 3 project managers from the five target regions participated inthe programme that was organised by LTC. The post-event questionnaire had a responsefrequency of 90 %.The overall results of the questionnaire seem to suggest that the visit was well planned andmatched delegate expectations of what they wanted and expected to see and bring home to theirrespective regions in order to further their own development.

The full report of this action is available here.

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